Match Report: 1-0 defeat in the first pre-season friendly

The Georgian side won the game 1-0 with a goal at the start of the second half. Nego and Oliveira went close for Vidi to scoring.

Videoton played their first pre-season friendly on Saturday afternoon in Austria. The rain started to fall not long before the kick off, but it did not seriously influence the match. The opponents were Georgian side SZK Csihura Szacshere, who can potentially be one of our Europa League opponents in the Q1 stage.

There was not too long to wait before the first chance, which arrived after 6 minutes. Ivanishvili shot at goal from 23 meters out, but it went just wide of the post. Dobrovolski then tried his luck with another long range effort from 25 meters, but it bounced on the wet surface in front of keeper Kovacsik, who collected the ball. A bit of uncertainty from Nego saw Lekvtadze take advantage, and the Georgian player ran alone at goal, but he shot over from 13 meters when well positioned. A Geresi cross a minute later almost found Barczi, but a defender was on hand to clear the danger.

There was 37 minutes on the clock when Videoton had their first chance on goal. Geresi crossed from the right, and his ball towards the far post found Bodi, who nicely laid the ball into the path of Nego, who shot at goal from 4 meters out, but keeper Hamzic pulled off a very good save!

Manager Henning Berg replaced his side at half time, giving the chance to see several players in new positions. Sejben went to right back, with Zsoter at the opposite full back position. Stopira went inside to play at centre half.

The second period started with a very big chance. Heffler released Suljic with a good ball, with the Georgian keeper racing out of his goal. Sulic found Oliveira with a pass, and the Portuguese midfielder volleyed just wide of the empty goal from 19 meters. Csihura Szacshere went ahead 10 minutes later. A ball from the right found its way into the middle for the arriving Mumladze to shoot from close range, which brought out a good save from Horvath, but the rebound fell to the same player and he rolled the ball into the back of the net (0-1).

The action continued with efforts from both sides. Heffler went close while goalscorer Mumladze was also dangerous at the other end. Sephiashvili saved a Feczesin shot on 74 meters to keep the score at 0-1. Vidi had more of the ball in the final 10 minutes but they could not find the equaliser. The first pre-season friendly ended in a single goal defeat against the Georgian side.

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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