Marko Nikolic: Nothing has changed in terms of chance to go through

The two managers spoke to the media shortly after the final whistle on Thursday evening.

Marko Nikolic: 

The media spent so much time focusing on this game as if I was the first manager in footballing history to play against his former club. The game sadly was not at the level that the match trumpeted up. I am not satisfied with our game and do not like matches that end 0-0. The truth is that we had 7 players missing. We had to put out a young team and could have won the game right at the end. The battle dominated rather than it being a good game. We had to change two forwards during the match, which is part of the reason that we did not score. I am sad that our series of scoring in each game has come to an end, but the truth is we did not concede either. Nothing has changed in terms of the chances to go through. Everything will be settled next week in Felcsut in front of a full stadium. We will try and carry on fulfulling our dreams. We will need to be brave and fortunate if we are to make it. 

Miroszlav Djukics: 

It was a difficult game and a big tactical battle out there on the pitch. There were not too many chances during the game. The long passes did not really work this evening. Nothing has been settled and it will come down to next week's second leg in Felcsut. Both team prepared well for the game and I think it will be a similar game in the return leg. Things will be settled on the finest detail in the second leg. There was plenty of pressure on the players to not concede a goal. It will be easier in Hungary. Perhaps our opponents had players missing but they still played well. 

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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