"We have no reason to be ashamed of fourth place"

Our Argentinian striker Nicolas Stefanelli, who arrived in the winter, assessed the spring season of our team.

"I joined Vidi during the winter break, so I can't evaluate the whole season, only the spring season. I found myself in a very good environment, where I was able to fit in easily and my career in Vivi started well for me, as I scored in my first game. I think we have no reason to be ashamed of fourth place, it was only a matter of a hair's breadth, and we can take that literally now. We came off the pitch after the last league game with our heads held high and it was great for the whole team to see the fans cheering us on. Now it's time to rest and recharge our batteries for a couple of weeks before we start our preparations again in mid-June. It's an exciting time for the club as we will be competing in Europe this summer. We want to do well there and in the league, and finish as high up the table as possible," Argentine striker Nicolas Stefanelli told our website.

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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