Vidi head off to Poznan

The team were expected to land in Poland at around 11:30am. There will be an afternoon rest period followed by an evening training session.

The team bus headed out of the Sostoi stadium at 7:15am on Wednesday morning. They arrived at the Liszt Ferenc airport at 8:20am. The flight to Poznan took off at 10:00am and landed at 11:20am. The squad then headed straight for the hotel and lunch, which was followed by a rest period. The press conference ahead of the Europa League play off, first leg will take place at the INEA stadium at 18:30pm. Training will begin at 19:00pm.

Roland Juhasz will participate in the evening session, but Robert Feczesin remained in Hungary due to a virus.

Vidi travelling squad:

Braniszlav Danilovics, Gábor Péter, Szolnoki Roland, Heffler Tibor, Fejes András, Gyurcsó Ádám, Mirko Ivanovszki, Juhász Roland, Kovács István, Lang Ádám, Pátkai Máté, Sejben Viktor, Koltai Tamás, Simon Ádám, Alhassane Soumah, Paulo Vinícius, Dinko Trebotic, Filipe Oliveira.


Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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