The two head coaches assessed the MOL Fehérvár FC - Budapest Honvéd match

Bartosz Grzelak and Dean Klafuric were interviewed after the match.

Bartosz Grzelak:

It was a real six-point league game. I expected the players to go into the game with a fighting mentality and I think they lived up to that expectation. We started the game a bit tense, but we quickly got over that, the goal gave us confidence and we went into the dressing room with a one-goal lead. Honvéd started the second half well, but we defended this period, they couldn't turn the momentum in their favour, and we came back into the game and gave a balanced performance until the end of the match. The attitude of the players was perfect and we can build on that in the future. In the last few days I tried not to overcomplicate things, I asked the team to defend more compactly and to attack with more players and more drive.

Dean Klafuric:

I feel we played well in the pitch but we couldn't score and that's how we ended the game tonight. The players tried their best, their attitude was exceptional, but we made a number of mistakes, especially when we should have defended counter attacks. We had our chances, and we had big chances, but we could not take them. We should have made better decisions inside the box. I am also very sorry about today's match because of the fans, because so many of them accompanied us to Székesfehérvár, so I have to pay tribute to them. I think Vidi have the second best squad after Ferencváros in terms of individual ability. If we can do well against them, it shows me that we are on the right track.

The full press conference is available here:

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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