The reaction of the two managers

Bartosz Grzelak and Vladimir Radenkovic shared their thoughts on the last match of the season.


Bartosz Grzelak:

"The match went as I expected, I knew we were playing against a defensive team. We had a lot of possession in the second half and created a lot of chances. Overall we scored two goals, but the final score was 0-0, those are the facts. We fought like lions, the players are heroes in my eyes, that's why it was sad to see the tears in their eyes after the final whistle. We must also talk about the two goals that were disallowed at this press conference. This country has a VAR system with six cameras. I looked back at the situation before the second goal and I do not understand how, from this footage - when we are talking about millimetres - anyone could tell when the ball left the player's foot. In situations like this, if there is no conclusive evidence, then attacking football should be helped. In Hungarian football, the quality of the game is good, there were 6 000 people here today, the fans love the game because of the passion, and that is what is being taken away by waiting for minutes after a goal for someone to determine when the ball has left a player's foot. This decision of millimetres has affected not just one game, but an entire season. This is incomprehensible to me and as a coach in Hungarian football I have to ask the question, is this really what we want? I have never spoken about refereeing before, even though there have been several bad decisions this season when I could have done so. I respect their work, but today was too much for me. I hope I don't have to talk about them again in the future."

Vladimir Radenkovic:

"We played smart today, it was like a chess match and we were prepared for it. In the last 15-20 minutes we didn't have enough power to lead attacks. Before that we had good counterattacks, but we could not finish them effectively. What I can say about the two disallowed goals is that sometimes you are lucky and sometimes you are not. I am proud of what we achieved today, especially in the last 20 minutes we fought hard. We didn't think about the opponent before the game, we just wanted to improve our own away game so that we could play football with the same passion and efficiency as our home games. I feel we did that."

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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