Szolnoki: I have developed a lot but am still not totally satisfied with myself

Vidi's young right back shares his thoughts on the autumn season just ended as well as the spring season ahead.

- How would you sum up the autumn season?

Sadly it started with a nightmare. I think that it did not only cause a shock to us, but also to the supporters, that we were unable to repeat last season's Europa League performance. This failure - as we can calmly describe it as - was very hard to digest. We went it to the new league season wanting to prove things to ourselves and the supporters. I feel that we managed to do this, as we started the league season in great form. We scored goals, while staying strong at the back, which meant that we hardly conceded goals. We suffered our first defeat in the 7th weekend of the season at the home of Debrecen. However, the points continued to come after that. We then lost to Honved in October, which saw us suffer a downturn that we could not truly find the way out of. Perhaps the winter break came at the best time for us. We can now spend the next few months sorting things out. We will spend several weeks abroad in training camps during January and February, similar to previous years, where we will play serious opponents in friendly games. We are grateful to the management of the club, who provide us with such great conditions to prepare in. The majority of first division clubs cannot go to training camps abroad. It is our total duty to repay them with good results over spring. I am sure that we will be successful in this. 

- How would you summarize your own performance?

I will honestly say that I got much more match time than I was counting on. I had good games, but I am not satisfied with myself overall. I always try hard to produce a balanced performance on the pitch. I would not like it to be a case of having a good match, which is followed by a bad one. One positive was that I developed a lot compared to the previous season when it comes to supporting attacks. I had to only concentrate on the defensive side of the game during the Paulo Sousa period. José Gomes expects me to go forward often and support the attacking side of our game. I had to improve a lot with my stamina and fitness as this took much more energy out of me that I did not only have to focus on defending, but attacking as well. I hope that I can produce better performances over the spring season. 

- Do you have a favourite match from the autumn season?

Yes, the away match at Ferencvaros is the one I would pick out. On the one hand, it is always a great feeling to beat Fradi, and especially if this can be done on their pitch. The match was not only memorable because of that win, but also the fantastic atmosphere. I remember more than 1000 Vidi fans who followed us to give support. There were also more than 10,000 inside the stadium that day, which created a good atmosphere. It would be very good if we could play all our first division matches in similar surroundings. The only thing that was tough that day was the heat, which we did not miss. It was almost 40c, which made it the hottest game I have ever played in.

- How will you spend the winter break?

I will spend a few days away together with my girlfriend. Then we will have the festive period to celebrate, which I will spend with my family. There will not be too much time to relax, as we bought a flat in Mor during the autumn, which I will have time to decorate, and hopefully move into during January. This is my first flat, and I am really looking forward to moving in, but there is still plenty of work ahead together with my friends who will help. We received a winter training plan from the coaching staff, and I will naturally do everything correctly. I will also go to the gym to strengthen myself, and also go on outside runs. There will also be time to play some football with my friends, just as we have done for years now. I used to take part in indoor tournaments in the past, but since becoming a stable first division player, I no longer take part in events like these, even if it is difficult to say no. One thing for sure is that I will do some sort of exersize daily, so that I can return to pre-season in January in good shape.

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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