Marko Nikolic: Today was a well deserved win

The two managers shared their thoughts on Saturday's OTP league game.

Marko Nikolic:

Today was a well deserved win that we managed to control throughout. The pitch was very good and it suited our passing game. It was also one of our best games tactically. We created many chances and the only complaint is that we did not convert these until right at the end. I felt that we moved the ball well and when we lost posession, we put pressure on the opponent and quickly won the ball back. The other team did not really have chances. I would like to congratulate the players but we do not have too much time for regeneration as we have a cup game on Tuesday. There is also the important game at Ujpest next weekend. Our bench was strong today and it is important that the squad is deep. The players that came on did well and helped the team. We continue to battle to achieve our target. There are still many games to play but I feel that we are on the right road. I would like to thank our supporters who travelled to Budapest for their backing.

Pintér Attila:

It is hard to talk about the game. There wasn't too much space to play in and we got hold of the ball a lot and went forward but bad decisions in the end cost us. Our game was not that effective as it was in the last game against Ferencvaros. We needed to play more bravely. There is not room in the professional game for what happened at the end of the match. We conceded goals that were avoidable. Sadly the players were waiting for the final whistle. We did everything for 88 minutes and managed to deal with 8-9 corners, but we still ended up losing the game. This was not the only reason why we did not win a point as we could not play our counter attack game fully. This 12 team league is very strong and you cannot make the mistakes that we made today. 

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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