Important win against Zalaegerszeg!

Kodro hit a double, Kastrati also scored! In a great atmosphere we picked up three points in the MOL Arena Sósto!

We hosted Zalaegerszeg in an extremely important match in the 32nd round of the OTP Bank Liga at the MOL Arena Sósto on Saturday afternoon. Our head coach Bartosz Grzelak started the match with Kovács D. - Bese, Csongvai, Stopira, Heister - Flores, Makarenko - Kastrati, Kodro, Schön - Dárdai.

In the first minute Dárdai shot over the goal, then in the 2nd minute Mocsi fouled Schön inside the penalty area - and a penalty was given! Kenan Kodro confidently hit the penalty into the bottom left corner (1-0)!  In the 10th minute, Kastrati's cross was parried by Demjén, but the ZTE goalkeeper finally made amends. At the other end, Szalay's shot was saved by Dániel Kovács.

18 minutes into the game, Csongvai made a great tackle on Dániel Németh, and a few minutes later the young ZTE striker threatened again, but his shot was blocked. In the 39th minute we scored our second goal! Makarenko gave a great ball to Kastrati, who slipped the ball beyond Demjén and between the goalkeeper's legs (2-0)!

In the 45th minute, Kastrati headed towards the goal after a ZTE corner, Schön came through the middle, but his cross was not accurate, and in extra time, Ikoba's header was saved by Kovács, and with a 2-0 Vidi lead, the half came to an end.

The second half started with a shot from substitute Meshack, but in the 49th minute it was Vidi again: Dárdai's cross was headed into the net by Kodro (3-0)!  Three minutes later, Németh's shot was saved by Kovács, and in the 57th minute Szalay's effort went over the goal. Ten minutes later, the young striker tried again, Kovács was on the spot again, and then Lyes Houri came on for Szabolcs Schön.

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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