Caneira: "We performed really well over the spring season"

Defender Marco Caneira was pleased with the teams showing over the second half of the season.

"I felt that on the whole we did well over the spring. We played a different styple of football, which resulted in us being much more attacking than we were in the autumn. This is totally normal as we had to be more defensive during our Europa league run. We changed things in the spring, and we managed to dominate in all of the games we played. I am disappointed that it was not enough for us to win the league title. We can be proud of the performances that we produced over the last few months, and our team is heading in the right direction. We have just come to the end of a long and difficult season, taking into account that we began our Europa league run  in the first round of the qualification matches. We did not have too much time to relax. We could get any team in the Europa league draw, which could result in us having to travel a very long distance. However, we could also be lucky and only have to travel to a neighbouring country. Whoever we get in the draw, we will need to make sure that we make it through to the next round. I have no special plans over the holiday. I will try to rest as much as I can at home with my family" - said Portuguese defender Marco Caneira.

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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