The two head coaches gave their reaction to the match between Fehérvár FC and FTC

Bartosz Grzelak and the Green-Whites' acting manager, Csaba Máté, spoke after the match.

Bartosz Grzelak:

We started the game badly, we conceded after 12 minutes after an unnecessary mistake. The free kick came quickly too, at two goals down many teams would have fallen apart, but we are strong mentally and managed to come back into the game. We scored just in time before the break, then went 'all in' at the break, attacked, put them under pressure and turned it around! But after 3-2 we let in three goals, that's obviously not good, we have to analyse what we did wrong. I am proud of the players despite the result, because they fought until the last minute. We started the season against two strong teams, unfortunately we didn't get any points, but we shouldn't point the finger at any one player, we have been a real team so far, we will continue to work together and prepare for next week. If we can play consistently like we did at the end of the first half and the beginning of the second, we can have a lot of good games this season. However, we cannot concede five goals to anyone, especially at home. It is important for me that what happens on the pitch is in line with what happens in the stands. I'm glad the fans got behind us and there were moments in the game when the team needed cheering on.

Máté Csaba:

Every game has its own psychology, we controlled the game well until 2-0, Vidi had no chance. Then the ball bounced around inside our penalty area and they scored a goal at a psychologically important moment. The second half also started well for them, we couldn't defend a corner and then they took the lead. But still, I could feel in the team that we could come back. The substitutes also came on well, I have to say that, they did their bit. The whole team responded well to the setback. There must be a little bit of fatigue, as we played a game on Thursday, but despite that we deserved to win the game.

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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