Loic Nego: I am sure it will be a good match that will help our preparations

The French player spoke about the first few days of training and Thursday's friendly match.

"The first few days of the training camp have gone really well. They have been very enjoyable, but at the same time intensive sessions. We end up going to our beds at the end of the day tired. At the same time we all look forward to the next training session. You can feel on all of the players that they are working with that extra motivation. That applies to me as well after we failed to win the league title. We will play KF Skënderbeu on Thursday afternoon in our first friendly. The main importance will not be on the result, but a footballer never likes to lose, even if that is in training. We do not know too much about KF Skënderbeu or the Albanian players. However, in a friendly game such as this, we do not really need to know too much about opponents. I am sure that there are clever and good players within the Albanian team. We respect them and I am sure that it will be a good game against them, which will help our preparations" - commented Loic Nego.

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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