Henning Berg: "I felt that the team showed quality football today"

The two manager's shared their thoughts on the game after the final whistle.

Henning Berg:

"I feel that the team showed quality football today. We were fine in attack and we scored goals, while our passing was precise and that was good to see. The game was settled following the sending off's, but our game was good before that. We had chances in our match at DVTK last week, especially in the first half, but we were unable to score. We scored some nice goals in today's game. I am pleased at the way the team responded after Paks took the lead. We saw almost the same in our match with Debrecen when we won 5-1. It is not the first time that the players have showed that they are capable of quickly getting back up after conceding a goal. I really like that mentality from them."

Csertői Aurél:

"We started the match well but we made a big mistake in the first goal that the home team scored. It became obvious after the sending off that we would not be able to control the match. I do not wish to talk about whether Roland Juhasz pushed or if it was a penalty but it is sure that we did make individual mistakes. It is very hard to play against a team like Vidi when they have an advantage in the number of players on the pitch. We made big mistakes and we will need to look at the way the goals were scored."

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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