Defeat away at Debrecen

Vidi went down 2-0 away in Debrecen on Saturday afternoon.

In the 29th round of the OTP Bank Liga our team played at the home of DVSC. Bartosz Grzelak sent out the starting eleven of Kovács D. - Csongvai, Larsen, Stopira, Makarenko - Pokorny, Christensen - Nego, Katona, Dárdai - Kodro, with Heister absent due to five yellow cards, Fiola, Schön, Hangya and Bese due to injury.

In the 7th minute Kevin Varga tried to get behind our defenders, but he couldn't lift the ball over Kovács, our goalkeeper saved to deny the forward. After a quarter of an hour Pokorny was in a shooting position, but his shot from the edge of the penalty area was confidently saved by Megyeri. In the 24th minute, Dárdai's 24-metre free-kick whizzed over the home goal, and in the 32nd Babunski's header posed no real threat to our goal. A minute later, a cross from Csongvai was headed towards goal by Katona, but Megyeri got the ball. For the rest of the half, Babunski and then Loncar's shots were saved by Kovács.

Neither manager made a substitution at the break, and in the 48th minute Manrique's 18-metre shot bounced off the post. Makarenko started the counter-attack with a good move and his pass was followed by Katona's shot over the goal. In the 52nd minute, the home side took the lead, after Kusniir's cross from the right, Dorian Babunski shot narrowly into the net (1-0). Dárdai's shot was saved by Megyeri, then a header from the home side was saved but it was ruled out for a free kick.

In the 68th minute, Dárdai's free kick was headed wide by the onrushing Stopira, then Csongvai had to make a great tackle from Varga's cross. Substitutions followed for both teams, and in the 81st minute Bódi's 21-metre free-kick ended up in the bottom right corner (2-0). Csongvai's free-kick was saved by Megyeri, and Larsen was sent off for a second yellow card in the 85th minute. Alef came on for Pokorny in the dying minutes of the match, but the result remained the same, DVSC won 2-0.

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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