Bernard Casoni: "The most important is that we have the advantage for the second leg"

The two manager's spoke after the final whistle.

Bernard Casoni: A one goal away win is a good result in the Champions League. We played a good first half creating several chances to get a goal. It was a little bit more difficult in the second half for us to create chances. However, we did everything and in the end we scored. Naturally I would like us to play better in the future, but this was our first game in the Champions League, and the main thing is that we won. We did not have too many possibilities with putting together the side before the game. We also knew that it would not be easy to play without a striker, so a one nil win is OK in this situation.

Craig Harrison: We did not get anything else than what we had expected. Vidi came at us and continuously tried to hit attacks. We played well in the first half, and remained disciplined and they could not get through us. I am disappointed that we conceded that goal as it was really not in the game. The opponents did not really have any other chance apart from that in the second half. Our goalkeeper had very little to do. I was hoping right up until the final whistle that we would score. Sadly we did not manage this. I still think that we have the chance to go through. It will be hard but if we believe in ourselves, we will manage it.

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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