Balazs Farkas returns to first team action

The club captain came on as a second half substitute

Balazs Farkas returned from a long term injury, which saw him miss the last few matches. He was named as a substitute in Friday's 3-0 home win over ZTE. Farkas came on in the second half for Laszlo Lencse. 

Balazs Farkas: "I think that those present at the Sostoi stadium on Friday evening enjoyed themselves. The match against ZTE ended up being a good derby game. The team did not play too badly, although we did not show too much in the first half. We then put plenty of pressure on the opponents goal in the second half. I thought that the ZTE defence were very well organised, and they coped well under pressure. It was just a matter of time, and us being able to keep up the tempo, before we broke the deadlock. Our own efence was also good during the match, and we produced entertaining football during the second forty-five minutes, which produced the needed result. I did not have too much to do with the win, as I only came on towards the end of the match in the 78th minute. I do not think I would have been able to deal with a longer period on the pitch, as I am only coming back from injury myself. I have worked really hard for the manager to be able to count on me."

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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