Q + A with Arturo Alvarez

We asked the players questions about their everyday lives, the habits and whether there are any important aspects that play a vital role besides work and learning.

Hi! My name is Helga, and I will try my best to help you get to know the players that play week in, week out for Videoton better. Here is my question and answer session with Arturo Alvarez. Let's get straight to it.

- How do you keep in contact with those back at home?
I am usually on FaceTime or Skype, which lets me stay in contact. Any internet application that allows me to keep in touch via telephone or video. 

- Do you ever watch cartoons?
I like cartoons but watched them when I was a child.

- Which was your favourite?
I liked Tom & Jerry best.

- What do you do and where do you go if you want to switch off?
I enjoy playing pool, so if I have time and want to switch off and relax, I go to my favourite place to play.

- Which item can you simply not live without?
My wallet.

- Do you ever get homesick? What do you do at times like this?
I am rarely homesick, but if I am, I go outside and try to switch my attention away from home and my family.

- What was your favourite subject at school?
Maths. I love numbers and was very good at maths.

- What are the most important qualities that you look for in a woman?
Most women have good qualities, so I would not like to pick out a couple. Not only for men, but for life in general are women very important as it is thanks to them that they give life. I have no complaints and have found the perfect woman, who has been living with me for a long time in Budapest, but has now returned to the USA. I am happy with her.

- Do you ever buy her flowers?
Yes, very often.

- Is there anything that you feel you would change about yourself?
I am not perfect, but I am satisfied with myself. I do not really have anything that I would change.

- What housework would you most happily do?
I am happy to clean my flat.

- Do you have any childhood memories that you most gladly remember back to?
Perhaps at the age of 7 when I won my first trophy in football. That was with my first team and my first league championship. This was a memory from my childhood. 

- What do you imagine yourself doing if you would not have been a footballer?
I would be a builder. If I would have thought through my life before football about what I would like to be, it was always as a builder. I also really enjoy drawing so I would have enjoyed that too. 

- Do you have any pre-match habits before running out on to the pitch?
None really. I always hope that God will help me in everything to be able to perform well, but I do not have any habits before a match. 

- Do you cook?
I do not. I have one or two things that I can make, but I usually go to restaurants in Budapest. I really should cook more. If only I could!

- What is your favourite Hungarian dish?
I love Goulash soup and beef stew.

- Is there a place in the world that you have not been to but would like to visit?
Australia and let's say Sydney. It is really appealing and a lovely place that is very far away.

- We had a great autumn and a good start to the spring. What is the morale like in the dressing room at the moment?
We all have the same targets, which is to win the league, so we are very together, but the morale is still perfect. Everyone really does feel good.


Author: David Rechnitzer

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