Krisztian Geresi: We were fitter towards the end and that proved important

"We were counting on taking the lead in the first half, which could have meant the massive Maltese defence opening up more. This did not happen but we coped better physically towards the end fortunately. That ended up deciding the match. Besides our opponents defending well, we were rather passive in the first half. We were unlucky when we did not score from the penalty, but managed to score two goals towards the end. I think that looking at the game, a 2-0 result is not a bad one. We had the chances to score more goals. We must not sit back now and we should remember last season's events after we beat Zaria Balti 3-0 at home. We then had to nervously negotiate the second leg before going through. I do not want to go through something similar again. We need to win in Malta" - commented Krisztian Geresi.

Author: David Rechnitzer

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