Tamas Peto: We have every chance to achieve a good result

The Videoton head coach looks ahead to Thursday evening's big game in Poland.

"Morale is good within the team as we prepare with calmness. We have managed to put the players heads right a little. I do not want to deal with external matters, with the players focusing 100% for Thursday's match. We have focused on trying to shake the players up mentally in the short space of time that we have had. This was perhaps the most important thing that the coaching staff have had to do. Both teams have a 50-50% chance of going through. Lech are a strong side who did not win their league last season by accident. We respect them but we want to get a result and keep the tie open for the second leg. We have every chance of this looking at the attitude of the team to achieve a good result in Poznan" - commented Tamas Peto to vidi.hu.

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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