Roland Szolnoki: We need to concentrate on working

The long serving Vidi player spoke about the work ahead at the training camp in Dubai.

"I have been a first team squad member for 7 years now. I have been to many places in that time and the facilities were always professional. Naturally it is warmer here and the weather is better than it would be in Spain. I really like the scenery and the surroundings. It is my first time here in the Emirates and it is a great experience for me. However, this is not a holiday and we have to concentrate on working. There are serious targets ahead of us for the spring. Krisztian Geresi is my new room mate after Robert Feczesin left the club. I would like to wish him lots of success and goals and hope that everything falls in to place for him. Things are good with Geresi and we have many things in common. It was not difficult as we have known each other for several years now. Looking at the first training session, I can see that everyone is very motivated and we would like to finish the spring once again in top position" - commented Roland Szolnoki.

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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