Press conference ahead of the Hungarian Cup final

Vidi will come up against Honved on Saturday evening in the Hungarian Cup final.

MOL Vidi FC will bring to an end the 2018/2019 season on the 25th May. The Hungarian Cup Final against Budapest Honved will kick off at 19:30pm. The two managers and club captains met up on Friday at the Groupama Arena to face the media. 

Marko Nikolic, MOL Vidi FC manager:

"This will be a big game for us and the whole club. We have only managed to win the cup once before. We will try to crown what has been a successful season with a second place finish and the Europa League Group Stage. We have prepared for this game as we did for the European matches over the summer and autumn. I hope this will be seen out there on the pitch. Our opponents are a very good side and also make things uncomfortable. This is the case especially in ties that are played over one match. I have won several trophies during my career, but not this one so far. My colleague Attila Supka has already managed this so I will be the hungrier for success. I am pleased that the supporters groups have come to agreement and will be there at the final. I am sure there will be a great atmosphere and a full house in the Groupama Arena" - commented Marko Nikolic. 

Attila Supka, Budapest Honvéd FC manager:

"We have prepared differently for this match as we did for the earlier ones. The league season has ended and we have achieved our aims, which was to qualify for Europe. The next target is to do well in the Cup Final. I have won the Hungarian Cup during my career with the Kispest club. I have been working with my players to try and repeat this. With regards to the starting line-up: Andras Horvath will be in goal if he is available. I would not like to reveal anymore of my cards. I hope we can produce a performance on Saturday that will be enough to give us the trophy" - commented Attila Supka. 

The two captains then faced the press after the managers.

Roland Juhasz, MOL Vidi FC team captain:

"We knew with four games left to play of the league season that we would end 2018-19 in second place. The tempo during the week did not alter as we knew that we would be playing in the cup final on the 25th May. Although this will be my 50th game of the season, it does not bother me whatsoever as I have always played plenty of games during my career. I even managed over 60 in one season. I do not feel tired even at the age of 36. If I would feel anything, believe me that I would end my playing career straight away. I will be out there on the pitch next season and hope that we can speak about similar games then. It is true that we have beaten Honved three out of the three games this season. However, it would be a mistake to look at those games and I do not want to look back to the past. As the manager mentioned just before, Vidi have only managed to win the Hungarian Cup once before and we would like to now double that. The last calender year has been a massive success as we won the league title first, and then played in the Group Stage of the Europa League. We can now top that all with the Hungarian Cup trophy" - explained Roland Juhasz.

Daniel Gazdag, Budapest Honvéd FC:

"The tempo during the week has been similar to most. We always play big matches against Vidi and it will not be any different on Saturday. We lost our three games against them in the league, so this will be the perfect chance to gain some revenge and lift the cup" - commented Daniel Gazdag.

Szerző: David Rechnitzer