Nikolics: I hope that we have finally come out of this indifferent form

The forward was pleased that the supporters finally saw the football and result that they deserve.

"The final result shows that this was a simple game, but it was not like this at all. We had to work very hard for this success. Puskas Academy came out to play open football and made things hard for us. We started the game well, building up several good attacks, which saw us go ahead from a penalty. The opponents levelled during the second half, but we managed to win the game. We finally won with the result and football that the supporters have been waiting for. I hope that we are finally over the indifferent form of the last few months with our results of late. I hope that we can end the season nicely and with success! I received a really good ball leading up to the third goal, and I was in a check mate situation, but I could see that Oliveira was in an even better situation than me, which is why I passed. Football is a team game, which is why I would do the same if I was in the same situation" - said Nemanja Nikolics to


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