Match Report: Defeat in Kisvárda

Only Kodro could reply to the three home goals.

In the 5th round of the OTP Bank League our team played away in Kisvárda. This time Michael Boris went for the starting line-up of: Kovács - Larsen, Stopira, Shabanov - Nego, Bumba, Fiola, Heister - Kodro, Dárdai - Zivzivadze.

The first shot was Heister's after five minutes of play, then in the 7th minute Dániel Kovács made a great save from Kovacic's header, but the Kisvárda player was offside anyway. In any case, the move was nice from both our goalkeeper and the home defender. Two minutes later, referee Bognár didn't buy Camaj's dive and Makowski's shot was easily saved by Kovács. In the 18th minute, Bumba took a long-range shot against his former team-mates, but failed to find the net. In the 23rd minute, Asani's chance was saved by Kovács, who saved with his foot, and Kovacic's header flew over the goal before the break.

Half an hour into the game, Kravchenko's close-range header was cleverly pushed onto the bar by Kovács. Five minutes later, Bumba's corner was headed wide by Stopira. With five minutes left in the first half, Dárdai's cross was cleared by Hindrich. Three minutes later, Nego fired over the bar from inside the penalty area after a very good attack. The first period ended goalless, with the teams going into the dressing room with the score 0-0.

At the break Michael Boris made one change, with Rúben Pinto replacing Marcel Heister.  Home manager László Török did not make any substitutions. In the 51st minute Mesanovic's fine flick was followed by Camaj's curling shot into the top right corner from the corner of the five-yard box (1-0). After the second home goal, Dárdai asked for a substitution, Hangya replaced him, and in the 63rd minute Mesanovic's header gave Kisvárda a three-goal lead (3-0). In the 70th minute Kodro scored from a penalty (3-1).

In the 78th minute, Dániel Kovács saved Vida's shot from the substitute. Larsen was replaced by Lednev, an attacking midfielder instead of a defender. In the 85th minute Funsho's shot rebounded out for a corner. After the corner kick, Hindrich came out of his goal badly, but Viktor Hej was able to clear. The ball bounced onto Ötvös' elbow, the VAR reviewed the incident, but there was no further penalty given. A minute later, Lucas' shot was well wide of the target and Budu's shot was caught by the arm of the sliding Leoni. In extra time, the last Kisvarda substitute, Ilievski, hit the bar and the home side won 3-1.

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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