Marko Nikolic: We will need our fighters tonight

The Vidi manager shared his thoughts ahead of Thursday evening's Europa League match in Greece.

"It was a massive success to win the Hungarian league and to make it here to the Europa League group stage. I feel that qualifying for the group stage is an even bigger success. Our most recent away game was against Chelsea and with a little bit more fortune, we would have picked up a better result in London. Our two games with PAOK will be the key decider. The matches in Thessoloniki and Budapest requires us to pick up points if we are to have a chance of going through. If we can pick up points against the Greek side, we will still have a chance to go through by reaching second place. PAOK are a very strong side and it is not by accident that they lead their league and are ahead of AEK. If we have to express this in numbers, then the team from Thessoloniki represent 30-40% stronger squad than AEK. I am sure that there will be a great atmosphere awaiting us and it is a pleasure to play in a stadium like this. I want us to pick up a good result and we will need to play without errors and also have plenty of confidence. Football is not always about the individual performance, as my players have been real fighters for months now on the pitch. We will need this again tonight" - explained Marko Nikolic ahead of the away group match with PAOK.

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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