Marko Nikolic: We deserved to win the Cup

The MOL Vidi manager was delighted with the win as his team came back from a goal down.

Marko Nikolic:

I congratulate the team as we deservedly won the cup to end a good season. We had three targets at the start of the season. We wanted to do well in Europe, the league title and a cup win. We managed to get two of those so you could say it has been successful. We were champions last season and made it to the play off's in the Europa League so the team have developed. The match brought a good season to an end. The players deserve all the praise and I am delighted that so many came from Szekesfehervar. Having the crowd behind us means so much. I congratulate Honved who were better than us in the first half. We went up a gear in the second half and that was enough. We have played close to 60 games this season so I think that must be a Hungarian record. The players will now get 2 weeks rest, which is not too much before we return again and try to do well in Europe.

We have played 4 games over the last month, but without anything to really play for. Perhaps this played a part in not being able to simply be up for the final, which could be seen in the first half. Honved played as they have done so far so they did not cause any surprises. I told the players at half time that I believe in them but we need to switch on more if we are to win. They did this and they showed what a fantastic mentality they have. If you look at the whole game overall, I would say that we deserved the win. 

Attila Supka :

Things went the way we wanted it to in the first half. We managed to get the ball several times in the opponents half and build moves. We had chances on top of the penalty that we were awarded. If we could have taken advantage of one or two more chances, than we could have picked up a nice lead. We were forced to make two changes in the second half and had to change the team. Sadly those who came on were unable to give anything extra. Vidi managed to bring on quality players and we tried to hit counter attacks towards the end, but could not do it. We then conceded two goals from two set-pieces.  However, I had told the team to be prepared for this. I still congratulate my players for the whole year and that we have qualified for Europe.

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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