Marko Nikolic: The concentration was lacking in our finishing

The two managers shared their thoughts after the 1-0 defeat at Mezokovesd.

Marko Nikolic:

"I want to congratulate the home side for their win. I had 4-5 players missing but this is not an excuse for the result. We tried everything and we had three 100% chances at the beginning of the game. We also had chances later on, but we could not find the back of the net. Mezokovesd positioned themselves behind the ball and they waited for the chance to counter attack and scored once. There was no problem with the attitude, but the concentration was missing from our finishing. I can also say that this was a typical game and there have been a million similar ones. We could have got hold of the ball three times leading up to the home sides goal. The game would have been so different had we scored early on. However, it ended up turning out this way. It is a fact that we have difficulties here at home following our European games, and we have now lost 13 points if I have counted well."

Attila Kuttor :

"It was a special and serious result that we managed to beat the Hungarian champions. We beat a side performing well on the European stage. I would add that we played well and we tried to play our own game. We went forward and I think that the earlier hard work put in was repaid. Perhaps Mark Koszta made a mistake at the start, but I was pleased that he got into the position to have a chance. I was hoping that if he would get another chance, then he would score. This is how it was and it ended up being the winning goal. It felt good to come off the pitch with this feeling."

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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