José Gomes: We will all be delighted in the end

Vidi's head coach sat down to give a lengthy interview before the winter break.

How would you sum up the team's performance over autumn?

Unfortunately we were not where we had wanted to be at the end of autumn. Firstly this is because we are no longer in two competitions, which we had planned to perform well in. We started the league season very well, but the last few games showed that we are not as strong as we thought we were. The positive is that we know where we need to improve, and I am 100% certain that in the end we will sort out the problems.

What were these problems?

The biggest problem was the injuries over the autumn. This is such a factor, which we cannot influence. This forced us to make changes to the team and the way we play. Koko for example is one of the most combative players who we lost for a long period. You always need time for the replacements to come in. In truth in these situations, it always appears as if they are explanations, although I do not want it to be like this: The main point is that we continue to believe that we will achieve our targets, and we have the solution in our hands. Everyone became very disappointed towards the end of the autumn season, the players, supporters, everyone, which is understandable. We have to fix these problems, and start to win matches once again. We will also need to start to prepare in January for the summer European campaign. I remain determined to lead Videoton FC to the Champions' League group stage. We will need to take steps now to reach that aim. 

Can we count on changes to the first team squad? 

Autumn showed us that there is a need to make changes to the team. We will have to act during the winter with the summer European participation in mind. If we can meet our target and begin in the Champions league qualifier, we will not have time to make signings. We know exactly, which players we need, but the owner will have the final word in this. In the event that they agree with my opinion, then changes will be made. We have to know that once the transfer window opens, anything can happen, with another club coming in for one of our players. If they offer good money, you sell the player, so football is not just a sport, which is played in front of many passionate supporters, but a business at the same time. This is once again a new situation. It is in the interests of Hungarian football and Vidi that they participate in the transfer market. It can help to make their place more dynamic. To answer the question, I feel that there will be changes, if the possibility opens. 

What were the most memorable games and moments for José Gomes over the autumn? 

All of those games that we ended up winning were all good moments. Of course, when this came against serious opponents, on a difficult pitch, it made it even better. Perhaps it sounds strange when I say that one of the most memorable moments was the match against Mezokovesd. We were up against a side defending with ten men, and it is extremely hard to play with patience. In the end when Kleinheisler scored the winning goal, I felt that all of the team went through a great moment. We believed in ourselves throughout and tried continuously, which brought its reward in the end. I would also pick out the match with Ujpest, which was another good match, but I would say that the best games and moments will come at the end of the season.

Several players from the second team got the chance to show what they could do during the autumn season. How satisfied were you with them, how is the work coming along with the Vidi II team? 

We never stop looking at the Vidi second team and the work that goes on there. I have to say that the youngsters are working really well, and have developed a lot over the recent period. The real question with regards to them is whether they are good enough when the chance comes, and if they can come in and stand their ground in the first team. Each time I asked this question, and brought them into the team, the reply was always positive.

How will you be spending the holiday? 

I will try and spend as much time with my family. I will concentrate during the first week to eat fresh fish. I like Hungarian food, but the fish that I have got used to in Portugal is not easy to get in Hungary. I will meet up with my friends, who we grew up and played football together with and we will play some games, so football will not be missing from the program.

The winter break is very long in Hungary. What is your message to the Vidi supporters over this period? 

I completely agree with their disappointment, and I would feel this as a supporter as well, but I would ask them to believe in the team. I am still the same manager that I was back in the spring or the first half of the autumn when we won big matches. I have the same, or even more motivation than at the start. I came to Hungary to win, and all the support that they give to the team, will be rewarded in return. I look forward to them continuing to give their support to the team, and we need their backing and know that we will all be delighted in the end. Videoton have won the league championship once in their history. We will be doing this again next year, so we will need their support. I know that it is sometimes difficult, especially when you cannot see what you would like to on the pitch. Life is not like a motorway, which you just have to go along, as there are difficult parts, and there are also times when you have to fight for things. Let us also not forget that I give my face and name to these words. If things do not turn out in the end as we would have liked, I will take the responsibility for that. I would like to finally wish everyone a good rest, Happy Christmas and a peaceful and healthy prosperous New Year to the supporters. They are ahead of a very good 2014!

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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