José Gomes: We are continuing on the road we have started

The two managers spoke to the gathered media after Sunday evening's 2-0 win at the Sostoi.

José Gomes: Our attacking play was not as we had planned. We should have operated on the wings or from deep, while we tried to get at them from the middle, which made the job of our opponents defending easier. We had fewer chances than we would have liked. I said before the match that MTK are a better side than the amount of points they have picked up. I still think the same now. They are dangerous in the middle, and it is hard to stop them in midfield. We need to keep this mentality in the future, as there will be games when the team does not play as well as we had expected, and it is important then not to concede goals, which we managed today. We made some bad decisions at times, but our latest win suggests that we are heading on the right road. It is hard to always keep the concentration at the maximum, and we have another match ahead of us on Wednesday, but our job is to make sure we are always ready. As to whether there will be any last minute changes to the squad, all I can say is that the transfer window is still open, so anything can happen.

Garami József: Videoton attacked us with great strength in the first half, and we found it hard to stand up to this. An owngoal is part of the game of football, but what we did just before we conceded the second goal, cannot be allowed. We did not give things up in the second half, and we tried to score a goal, which had we have done, the situation would have been different. You could see the determination in the players, which is what we continue to build on in the future. We have not scored a goal in 4 matches, which we have to improve on. We lost against a good Videoton side, but we were a match for them in the game.

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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