José Gomes: The first training camp focused on defending, while the second will concentrate more on the attack

Vidi manager José Gomes gave a lengthy interview to

- The first training camp in Spain has now ended. What was most important lesson that you learned?

The biggest lesson over the training camp was that if the players wish to reach the highest level, which they target, which is the league championship, then they will all need to give more. There are also times when 100% is not enough to win the league title. We really need to go to the very limits of performing. This can be done with all the energy and strength from within in order to reach the most important aims.

- Did you receive an answer to all of your questions over the last two and a half weeks?

Yes, I received an answer to most of the questions. We have a base, which shows us the route to follow in the interest that we can fix our mistakes. We will do everything to make sure that these problems surface. The players can see that they will have to give everything to reach the targets.

- Can we know what you will do to carry this out?

It is completely obvious for me, regarding which route to follow in order to solve the problems. We will naturally follow this route.

- Several players were tried in different positions during the friendly matches, which they had not played in for Vidi previously. What were your experiences regarding this?

Several players perform really well in their familiar positions and others not so. A friendly match gives you the chance to try certain things, which cannot be done in a competitive game. This is why I feel that the first training camp was very useful, as we had the chance to try several players against good opponents, and see what they are capable of in that position.

- How will the second training camp differ from the first?

We tried to look into the problems in the defensive side of our game during the first training camp. We spent a large part of time in this area. We will spend part of the second training camp improving our defence, but place a larger emphasis on the attacking side of our game. I believe that having a settled defence is key to winning the league title. If we have this, then the next important aspect is the attack, as we will need to break through our opponents defence. 

- The plans are to play tougher opponents during February. Will it not be harder to practice attacks against them?

The players did not receive too much time to rest in the period leading up to the four friendly matches. They could not go out onto the pitch feeling totally fresh. The reason for this was that I wanted to see what their reaction is like in a tired state in certain match situations. As I said previously, I want to see what the problems are, which we carry out in critical situations. Practicing attacks during training is not a complicated matter. The real difficult part is to do this against good opponents. This is why we will be playing even harder teams during the second training camp. If we can be aware of all the things that need correcting, and the players react well on the pitch when they are not at their strongest stamina wise, they will be capable of fantastic things when they are in a suitable fitness condition, which I am sure about. The players will have more time to rest in the day before the friendly match during the second training camp, compared to the time they received in the first few friendlies.

- You said previously that the results during the training camp are not the most important. How important will the results be in the friendly games during February?

The most important is for the players to be in a good state confidence wise by the time the season begins. You have self-confidence when you're successful. We need to look at the pre-season friendly matches, and find out what success means. Success also means carrying out those things, which were planned, and which were practiced during training. We will also not be conceding the fact that we can achieve good results against such strong opponents.

- We are now at the start of the winter transfer window. Do you have concrete players that you’re interested in who could strengthen Videoton?

The club management are totally aware of the players, which I would like to bring in to make the team stronger. They are working hard in the background to bring in these players. I am completely satisfied that the management of the club want to achieve the same as I do. It is still too early to give names of the players I want, but the club are working very fast to achieve this. All I will say, which is not a secret, is that I want to bring players in who will make Vidi a better team.

- Club captain Balazs Toth recently went out on loan to Puskas Academy. Can we know who the next captain will be?

The system at our club is based on a team of three captains. The first captain, Balazs Toth has left. The second captain has now temporarily taken over, and he is Marco Caneira. Then there is also Gyorgy Sandor and Roland Juhasz who I feel are capable of doing the job. They are not only experienced players, but also have plenty of experience on the international stage. I will be making my decision after the end of the transfer window.

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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