Joan Carrillo: "This success against Győr was down to the players and the supporters"

The two managers shared their thoughts shortly after the final whistle in the match at the Sostoi stadium.

Joan Carrillo: The player's mentality was fantastic today! I told them at half time that although we were behind, we should not for a minute think about a draw, and only concentrate on winning. Today's success was down to the players and supporters. The supporters as they backed us during the difficult moments as well. Feczesin was ready to come on just at the time that Juhasz scored the equalizer. However, I did not want to change this as it would have meant us wanting to defend the draw. I could see on the faces of the players that we could win the game. It was a risky substitution to make, as sometimes it will not work, but it did today. I said before the start of the season that there are 5 teams that are ahead of the rest, at least on paper, and Győr is one of them. These are three very important points for us. Let us not forget that we have only played the third match of the season. We need to handle things calmly and concentrate on the next match against Nyiregyhaza. I must also add that we did not panic when we fell behind for the second time. There will be times when we will concede goals, as this is part of the game, but this should be the spark for us to be more motivated to win the match. This mentality does not only apply to the team, but also the coaching staff and all of the workers at the club, or rather the entire Videoton FC.

Horváth Ferenc: We played in a very good match. Both sides fought openly, and we did everything to get the win, but we were on the wrong side today. We allowed Vidi more space, but we still had our chances. However, we ended up suffering a defeat. I did not really think that we would end up losing the match, and I thought that we could control the game, but sadly it did not work out this way. We have many creative players, who find it hard to cope with certain situations, and there will be times when we concede goals from counter attacks. We adapted a new system after the arrival of Priskin, which we need to practice. I continue to believe in attacking football, even if there are some problems with this. I felt like tearing my hair out as we are playing well and even scored two goals away from home, but still ended up losing.

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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