Igor Angelovski: I am pleased that Nikolov is doing well at such a good club

The North Macedonian national team boss was present at the MOL Vidi - Ujpest FC league match.

MOL Vidi FC beat Ujpest FC 2-1 in match 28 of the OTP league on Saturday evening. The North Macedonian international manager was present at the match and we spoke to him after the final whistle. 

"I had two reasons for my visit today. Boban Nikolov plays for MOL Vidi FC and Kire Ristevski played for Ujpest FC. This is not my only game during my visit to Hungary as I will be present for the cup match on Tuesday against DVSC. I like to take a close look at the performances of my players. My opinion of Boban is that he is a very good player and person. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the coaching staff of MOL Vidi FC and especially Marko Nikolic for always releasing Boban for our international games in such good condition. I am pleased that he is doing well at such a good club as this each week. I have not had time to look at the city as I went directly to the stadium, but the facilities here are really good. It is of a very high level and I am truly pleased that Boban plays here" - explained manager Igor Angelovski. 

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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