"I want to be a leader on and off the pitch for our young team"

Our midfielder Zsolt Kalmár, who has recovered from a serious injury, talked about his comeback, this year's young Vidi and also gave a message to the fans supporting him.

Last weekend you played your first competitive match for Vidi since November 2023. How did you feel on the pitch?

I am very happy to be back on the pitch after such a long time. I've worked hard to recover from this injury and to be able to come back. I can't deny that I had a little bit of pressure when I came on as a substitute, I tried to give my best in the 15-20 minutes I had.

Where are you now physically, what condition are you in?

I feel like I'm in better shape every week. I'm getting the right workload in training, but there's no substitute for games. Gradually I need more playing minutes and match load to get back to my good form. In this respect, we are not in an easy situation, as we are in championship rhythm. We are trying to make sure that I get more and more opportunities in the season. Right now I would say I'm about 80 percent, and the other 20 percent will come with the games.

The squad has changed a lot over the summer, with a number of youngsters arriving. How do you see our rejuvenated squad, what are its strengths and what do you think it needs to improve on?

Tamás Pető and his team have arrived with a new concept and a new philosophy, and we are currently in the building phase. We are trying to implement the ideas requested by the coaches in every game, we are trying to put together a strong team again. I think we are on the right track, everyone is motivated, everyone wants to achieve good results. I am confident that I can contribute to our game.

You mentioned Tamás Pető, who said after the game against PAFC that he is looking forward to having you back in the team, and that your experience and knowledge will be much needed for this young team. Do you see what you can really help the team with?

The coach's words were very good, it gives me extra strength. My first games for Vidi went well, then I was out for a long time because of an injury, but now I'm finally back with the team. I'm a really experienced player in this young squad, I'm working every day to get in shape as soon as possible and to contribute more and more on the pitch. I also try to do my bit in the dressing room, trying to help the youngsters in any way I can. I want to be a leader on and off the field for our young team!

Since your injury, the fans have been asking a lot about you, they were waiting for you to come back, what message would you give them?

Thank you very much for their support! After the match I received a lot of messages, not only from Vidi fans, but from other sources as well. A lot of people congratulated me for doing it again, for coming back from the despair after a serious injury. It was great to have so many people waiting for me to come back. I hope I can give them back all the love with my performance on the pitch.

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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