Goalless draw in final game of the season

We had two disallowed goals against DVTK, with the draw our team finished fourth in the 2023/2024 season.

On Saturday afternoon in the 33rd and final round of the OTP Bank Liga NB I we hosted DVTK in the Sóstói Stadion. Manager Bartosz Grzelak chose the elveven of: Tóth - Bese, Serafimov, Spandler, Gergényi, Schön - Christensen, Sigér, Csongvai - Katona, Karamoko.

OTP Bank Liga, 2023-2024, Tavaszi szezon, 33. forduló

18 május szombat

OTP Bank Liga
Fehérvár FC


Sóstói Stadion Székesfehérvár

Diósgyőri VTK

Fehérvár FC

Tóth Balázs - Bese Barnabás (Nicolas Stefanelli 57'), Spandler Csaba (Tóth Tamás Vid 89'), Nikola Serafimov, Gergényi Bence, Schön Szabolcs - Sigér Dávid (Nejc Gradisar 57'), Csongvai Áron, Tobias Christensen - Mamoudou Karamoko, Katona Mátyás (Pető Milán 76')

Diósgyőri VTK

Odyntsov Artem - Nielsen Marco Lund, Szatmári Csaba (Chorbadzhiyski Bozhidar 46'), Bokros Szilárd, Szabó Levente (Edomwonyi Osaige Bright 66'), Jurek Gábor (Feuillassier Abalo Francisco 66'), Godfrey Stephen, Bényei Ágoston András, Klimovich Uladzislau, Rodrigues Da Silva Dos Santos (Kampetsis Anargyros 80'), Gera Dániel Richárd (Baco Ondrej 71')

Karakó Ferenc

Karakó Ferenc

Bornemissza Norbert, Szalai Dániel, Pillók Ádám, Szőts Gergely

The home side took control immediately after the first whistle; in the 2nd minute, Christensen's corner was headed at goal by Karamoko from six metres out, but Lund's shoulder blocked the ball. The visitors were completely pushed back and it was difficult to find a gap in their defence. DVTK also dished out some fouls, Gera fouled Schön and Klimovicz fouled Csongvai, the latter was rewarded with a yellow card. In the 14th minute Gergényi's big throw-in was flicked on by Bese, before Serafimov poked the ball in, but the visiting goal was not in danger. In the 22nd minute, Katona pulled down the left, broke inside the box and fell to the floor but there was no foul.

In the 26th minute, Karamoko headed at goal and it found the back of the net, but after a VAR review, referee Karakó disallowed the goal. The visitors came further out and had there own chance when Pernambuco missed from 15 metres. The second half belonged to our team, at the end of an attack Christensen's 18-metre shot just missed the bottom right corner, then Sigér fired from the centre, Odynstov pushed the shot to the side, Karamoko put the ball in from an acute angle but it went wide.

The half-time scoreline did not favour Vidi, Paks and Puskás Akadémia were both leading, so we had to win to finish in the top three. The match became more and more tense, with several players receiving yellow cards. In the 57th minute Bartosz Grzelak made a double substitution, replacing Bese and Sigér with Stefanelli and Gradisar. A minute later, Schön raced to the goalline on the left, his center into the middle was good, but Karamoko did not make clean contact with the ball - a good missed opportunity.

The game was full of fouls, but it was a pulsating game. In the 71st minute, Csongvai's free-kick missed the near corner and Gradisar's 19-metre shot was also off target. For the majority of the rest of the game, we did everything we could to get the winning goal, our team went forward until the last minute. In the 90th minute, a cross found Christensen inside the box, and his rebounded shot was headed in by Serafimov. There was jubilation in the stadium, but only for a few moments, the VAR decision also looked at this goal and although there was no decisive camera position, it was disallowed. The final seconds ticked away, there was no more turning point in the game. With the goalless draw our team finished fourth in the 2023/2024 season.

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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