Getting to know Juan Calatayud - Q+A

We asked the players questions about their everyday lives, the habbits and whether there are any important aspects that play an important role besides work and learning

Hi! My name is Helga, and I will try my best to help you get to know the players that play week in, week out for Videoton better. Here is my question and answer session with goalkeeper Joan Calatayud. Let's get straight to it.

- Facebook or Twitter?
Twitter. I usually upload photos and other items there.

- Does this make things easier for you when it comes to communicating back home?
No, I use the Whatsapp application to stay in communication, but especially Skype, which helps me to talk live to my family members back at home.

- What was your favourite subject at school?
Those were maths and physics.

- What could you consider yourself working in if you had not become a footballer?
I cannot really imagine myself doing anything else. I am a footballer, and my boyhood dreams came true, and I never really wanted to do anything else.

 - Your best feeling in football so far?
The games that I played in for Malaga. I made my debut in the first division, which was a massive feeling, and played in big matches and against big players.

- Do you have any pre-match habits before running out on to the pitch?
I prepare for matches in exactly the same way, doing the same things at home and then going to the stadium. I have a routine set in place for many years now, but I do not consider myself to be superstitious.

- What do you most miss from home?
I really enjoy living here with only those family members back home in Spain really being missed, but I am in regular contact with them.

- What do you do if you are homesick?
I get in contact with those family members back home, but this anyway happens almost everyday. I am not homesick, and have got used to and like the life here.

- What do you most like about Hungary?
That it is a very quiet and peaceful life that I can live here with my wife and children. I have two dogs and I really love the green areas that I can take them to.

- What do you consider to be your two best strengths in your personality?
I am confident and single-minded.

- What 3 factors do you look for most in a woman?
She should be family orientated, be able to fight for targets and naturally, that there should be love and respect between us. 

- What frightens you most in a woman?
If there is no interest shown towards the other.

- Is there a place in the world that you have not yet been to, but would really like to visit?
There is no such place.

- What do you do/where do you go if your just want to switch off and relax?
I go walking in a quiet place with my family and dogs.

- Your favourite film?
The Shawshank Redemption

- Which TV series to you follow?
I follow Spanish series and also Elementary.

- Do you ever cook for yourself?
I can prepare the simple meals. I always try to cook very healthy meals when I go into the kitchen.

- Your favourite Spanish meal?
I love the traditional Spanish meals, especially dishes that have sea food or chicken ingredients.

- And out of the Hungarian dishes?
Goulash soup.

- Who has the best sense of humour in the team?
Filipe Oliveirá.

- Lucky number?

- What item do you feel you cannot live without?
I have no such items. I can only repeat myself that it is my family that I cannot live without.

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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