Gabor Marton: I hope that we can play similar good football as we did last week

The ZTE manager spoke ahead of the second leg tie with Vidi at the MOL Arena Sosto. 

"I hope that we can play similar good football in the second leg as we did at home last week. We battled our way to gain an advantage and want to pick up a good result in the second game. I said after the first game that it is now 50%-50% as to whether we can go through. Although we are facing Vidi for the third time in a short period, you cannot compare any of those games. League games are different to cup matches and the second leg will be different. The strongest eleven is always the one that runs out onto the pitch. Our opponents have a v bigger squad so it is easier for them to rotate their side for the league games. They will be favourites whichever side they send out. However, if we can play with the same organisation and confidence as we did a week ago, then we can cause a surprise" - commented ZTE manager Gabor Marton. 



Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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