Ferenc Horvath: "I am satisfied with the result"

The two head coaches spoke following Tuesday's OTP league match at the Pancho Arena.

Ferenc Horváth:
"There is a very clever saying, which I made up: many things are not related to anything. What does this mean? The fact that we prepared in full detail for our game with Honved, which we did not play too badly in, and we had chances but did not convert any of them. We had pratically one day only to prepare for today's game, which resulted in us not being able to prepare in as much detail as we would have wanted, but we ended up winning the game. The group were "ready" in their heads for the game. Those that started and the substitutes who came on played with lots of concentration throughout the game. We played well in the first half, and we did not have to chase the result in the second half. All I asked was that we keep the ball in the opponents half, which we did not have any problems with. We still missed those balls from deep. It is understandable after four unsuccessful games that the players were not prepared to take gambles, which is why I am fully satisfied with the result and the players."

Elemér Kondás:
"Sadly we did not play the way we had planned in the first half. We gave our opponents too much space, which was not justified. Vidi's quick players took full advantage of this. When we got hold of the ball, the passes were not accurate and we also lost the ball in our own half. We had some attacks but we could not finish them off. We were pushed back following the sending off, and Vidi had plenty of the ball. However, they did not have too many chances. We tried to score the equaliser at the end of the match, and there were some promising attacks. We could not convert them, which is why we suffered a defeat tonight."

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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