Alvaro Brachi: "We gave a lot towards the win"

Vidi's Spanish defender scored the second goal on Saturday with a lovely curling free kick

"I am very pleased that we managed to once again play well, scoring many goals to win away. We all gave a lot towards the victory, and this time we did not only have to overcome our opponents, but the pitch as well. I cannot remember us having to play on such a bad quality pitch before, and we really had to concentrate, as the way the ball was bouncing made it very unpredictable. Naturally I am very pleased that I scored again, but the team winning is much more important. I have been practicing my free kicks after training sessions, and I hope that I can score similar goals for Vidi in the future. However, my main role will continue to be to stop our opponents from scoring goals. We will enjoy Saturday's win a little, but we will switch our focus to Haladas from Monday, and prepare to play them with total intensity." - said Videoton's Spanish right back, Alvaro Brachi.

Szerző: David Rechnitzer

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