The two head coaches evaluated the MOL Fehérvár FC - Puskás Akadémia FC cup match

Szabolcs Huszti and Zsolt Hornyák shared their thoughts to journalists after the match.

Huszti Szabolcs:

"I'm very disappointed with the result, unfortunately one or two people are not as committed to the team as they should be. I would like to find the people who live and die for Vidi. I will play those who are fighting for the club, even if they might have less qualities on paper. Of course there were some positive things, we had more chances than PAFC, but unfortunately we didn't score. Two days are not enough for much, we knew that. Everybody starts with a clean slate in my team, but I have experienced some things in the last days. I'm sure there will be some changes in the squad for the Paks game, which has only one regeneration and one pre-match training session before the start. To mention some positives: for example, I was pleased with Schön, he played as a starter for the first time, he did his job well, I'm looking for similar characters to him."

Hornyák Zsolt:

"We came to Székesfehérvár tonight to fight for going through to the next round. We have the toughest opponent in the cup, we came to the match with great humility. My intention was to give everyone a chance, to make the players feel confident that I was counting on them in such a difficult match. I was happy with the way we played for most of the game, we managed to break down our opponents. I was only unhappy with the last 15-20 minutes - that's why I substituted Colley - when we were often pushed in front of goal and Vidi tried to take advantage of that, but our goalkeeper defended well and our defensive line was solid. We are happy with the success, but we remain humble and we have another tough game against FTC this weekend."

Author: David Rechnitzer

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