The hardest day of the training camp so far

The Videoton FC squad have been working very hard at their training base in Austria

The last few days have seen very warm weather, not only in Hungary, but also in Tirol. The temperatures did not rise to the 30c mark, which meant that the squad were able to train in more comfortable conditions. The morning training session centred mainly around ball work, while others had coordination exercises. There was even a small group that practiced shooting at goal. Each group switched around to make sure all of the players had the chance with each task.

The near 120 minutes training session was followed by lunch and a well-earned afternoon rest. The squad then boarded the team coach for the afternoon training session at around 17:30pm. Ball work was the name of the game during this session.

The players ended the day with dinner and a big table tennis contest.

Author: David Rechnitzer

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