Roland Szolnoki is expecting a home win

Vidi play their final home league match of the current season with Papa making the visit to the Sostoi

"I hope that the weather will be good and that we can play our final home league match in front of many supporters. Second place is in our hands, and if we can beat Papa, then this will be certain. So I am really expecting the team to win" - began young Roland Szolnoki, who has played the last few matches at right back. 

The defender believes that he cannot find any complaints with the quality of the support the team have received. "The weather was not the best last weekend when we played Győri ETO. However, a good crowd turned out at the Sostoi stadium, and gave their support to the side, which is very important to us. If our game is not going the way it should, or how we expected it to, then the backing from the crowd helps."

Szolnoki also spoke about his own performances. "I have had both good and bad games this season, and I played just one match during autumn, before suffering an injury. The current spring season has seen me have much more opportunity to play, and perhaps I have done enough to justify this. This does not mean that I am satisfied with myself, and I know that I have to continue working during training and in matches, and then the result will be there for the work, which I have invested" - concluded Roland Szolnoki.

Author: David Rechnitzer

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