Marko Nikolic: The most important thing now is that we beat Debrecen

The Videoton manager previews Saturday's home OTP game against DVSC.

We must not focus on the amount of points at the start of a league campaign. There were some surprising and strange results in last set of matches, so we must not look at the fact that DVSC have only picked up 2 points from the first 4 games. Perhaps they have got just 2 points but there is potential in that team. It is true that they have not had much luck so far. We need to play the same as we did against both Mezokovesd and Bordeaux. We need to do everything on the pitch to make sure we keep the 3 points. The aim is to be there at the top of the league table, but for me that is not the most important factor to be top after 4 games with Honved. It is too early to look at this. There are so many matches still left to play and plenty of work. The most important now is to beat Debrecen. It really was good that we did not have a midweek game as we have played 10 games in 35 days. This was done in great heat and with lots of travelling so the players had the chance to recharge themselves mentally and fitness wise for today’s game. - commented manager Marko Nikolic.

Author: David Rechnitzer

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