Looking back on matches with Kaposvar

Videoton make the visit to Kaposvar on Saturday evening

Videoton travel to play Kaposvar on Saturday looking to improve on the overall record between the two sides. The pair have met 24 times in the first division so far. Vidi have won 10 of those games with Kaposvar picking up maximum points in 7 of those games, with the remaining 7 ended all square. The overall goalcount reads 39-28 in Videoton's favour.

Goalscorers against Kaposvar
5 goals: André Alves
3 goals: Szabó József, Burcsa Győző, Mario Bozsics,
2 goals: Nagy II. János, Czeczeli Tamás, Tiber László, Farkas Balázs, Nikolics Nemanja, Polonkai Attila
1 goal: Wollek Tibor, Karsai László, Májer Lajos, Csongrádi Ferenc, Kanyok Imre, Csordás Csaba, Schwarcz Zoltán, Horváth Ferenc, Milan Pavlicic, Elek Ákos, Dusan Vasziljevics, Szakály Dénes

Kaposvar - Videoton match stats:

Videoton have only managed to pick up three points in just three matches involving the two at Kaposvar's stadium. In the twelve games to date, Kaposvar have won six and drawn three, with a 18-17 goal count to Saturday's opponents.

Games so far:
1975.09.27. Kaposvár - Videoton 3-3
1977.03.05. Kaposvár - Videoton 1-0
1978.02.25. Kaposvár - Videoton 0-0
1980.08.16. Kaposvár - Videoton 1-4
1987.10.03. Kaposvár - Videoton 3-1
2005.05.07. Kaposvár - Videoton 2-1
2006.04.22. Kaposvár - Videoton 3-0
2006.09.16. Kaposvár - Videoton 1-0
2008.03.01. Kaposvár - Videoton 1-0
2009.04.04. Kaposvár - Videoton 1-1
2010.05.01. Kaposvár - Videoton 1-3
2010.11.06. Kaposvár - Videoton 1-4
2011.07.30. Kaposvár - Videoton

Author: David Rechnitzer

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