Krisztian Geresi: We played in a new formation in our first game

Youngster Krisztian Geresi played as a forward in the first half of the first summer pre-season.

"The first friendly game was mainly about the workload, while it was also important that the team moved well together. We also tried out a new formation, as we had not really played a 4-4-2 line-up previously. We will need a little bit of time before we can all find our place in this formation. I played in the first half, and together with Istvan Kovacs, we were the two forwards. It is a new position for me, as I had played out on the wing previously. I tried my best to do what the manager had asked of me. The main emphasis at this point of pre-season is on the fitness side. We have done a lot of work in training on our legs and upper body. We have also practised a lot in the 4-4-2 formation. The manager is trying to find a place for everyone within this formation" - commented Krisztian Geresi.

Author: David Rechnitzer

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