Hidvegi and Nikolics train alone

Vidi's players train during the international break

There will be no league game at the weekend as a result of the international break. However, that does not mean that Vidi's squad will be relaxing or not playing football. Three matches have been arranged during the week and a half break. The players were given the whole weekend off to relax as well as Tuesday. The work on the training pitch continues, despit the absence of Akos Elek, Pal Lazar and Zoltan Liptak for the Hungarian senior side, while Andras Gosztonyi has joined the U21 squad. There were two training sessions on Monday for the players, while manager Gyorgy Mezey also put the players through their paces on Wednesday.

Nikolics and Hidvegi trained alone following slight injuries that they picked up in the game at ZTE. The injuries are not thought to be serious and just slight knocks. Nikolics has a thigh strain, while Hidvegi needs treatment to his knee. They will undergo special training until both are 100% fit again.

Author: David Rechnitzer

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