Gyorgy Mezey: It can all be decided this week

The experienced manager looks forward to the Paks match

Videoton make the journey south to Paks on Tuesday, as they take a further step to the dream of the first league title for the club. Gyorgy Mezey feels that a lot could be decided during the course of the week.

Gyorgy Mezey: "You hear so many things from here and there, from various professional view points. We are facing a difficult match, which makes it hard to give a clear tactical assessment. A key moment has arrived in the life of Videoton FC. This week can see us achieve what we have never managed to do in our entire history. It is a massive step for the town, the club, the supporters, but also for the players as well. No other Videoton side in the past have succeeded in winning the league title. I would look at this weeks two matches with Paks and Kecskemet from a different dimension. These are very big days for the football club, which can cause problems if not approached in the correct way. A lot can be sorted out over the coming week!"

Author: David Rechnitzer

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