Tibor Heffler: We have that belief within to prove ourselves

The defender also mentioned the improvement within the team towards the end of the year.

„The end of the season was obviously more successful than the start. We climbed the table to third place. There were difficult periods, which I would include the change of manager's. It is never easy for a team when a new manager arrives and a new system of playing is introduced. That includes a new formation, new conception as well. I also feel that Ferenc Horvath has managed to gel everyone together, which has made us a stronger side and one that will pick up results. Naturally I am always trying to develop my own game, and grab the chance when it comes to prove myself. I will spend the festive period relaxing with my family. I want to start the spring season in good strength. I hope that we will be more successful, and that we will win games and move further up the league table. The Hungarian cup is another very important target besides the league for the coming half year. I feel that there is a will to prove ourselves within the team, which will result in us performing to our maximum" - commented Tibor Heffler to vidi.hu

Author: David Rechnitzer

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