Mate Patkai: It was not a tradegy but we need much more than this

The midfielder shares his thoughts after the 2-0 defeat against DVTK on Saturday.

"I felt that in the first half we dominated the game. We managed to create chances, with some of them being serious, but nothing worked for us in the end. There were chances on goal during the second half as well, but it was DVTK who ended up scoring the goal. It came from a set piece, which is upsetting as we knew that they would be dangerous from these. We were not able to defend that free kick. I would not put the excuse for today's defeat on the three week international break. The problem was that we did not convert the chances that came our way. We need to change this as we go forward. It was not a tragedy today, but we will have to put in a better performance in the future." - commented Mate Patkai.


Author: David Rechnitzer

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