Imre Szabics: I am very proud of my team

The two managers gave their reaction on the match shortly after the final whistle.

Imre Szabics:

We did not play the way we wanted to in the opening 10-15 minutes. We were not sharp enough, which surprised me a little, as I felt that the team were very focused in their preparations. We conceded a goal that woke us up and then we started to play the way we planned to. We played good football until we were 2-1 up. We tried all we could towards the end to protect our lead. I am really proud of the team as this was the first game when we managed to come from behind. This win has come at a very good time fortunately. We changed things at half time that were causing us problems in the first 45 minutes. This helped us to handle MTK in the second period. The win could have perhaps been more comfortable had the injuries not happened. It took the team’s mental strength to change things, I’m so glad the boys just showed us that we can do in a match. However, we are also aware that we have not yet won the cup, and we still have a long way to go to make it happen. Since the final is even further away, I can’t go into details about the preliminary expectations, but I trust that we will be able to win the final under whatever circumstances we play.

Michael Boris:

Of course, we are very disappointed that we were knocked out again in the semi-finals. At the beginning I felt the tactics worked well, we even managed to get the lead. Before the end of the half, Fehervar equalized, they scored a bit easy, so we will have to discuss this with the players anyway. We were prepared for Vidi to change things in the second half, but unfortunately they still scored their second goal anyway. Our situation was made more difficult by Mezei’s injury as we didn’t have another left-footed midfielder for that post. We tried long balls, we did everything we could to equalize, we fought all the way, but we didn’t succeed. Congratulations to Fehervar on going through! We tried to take advantage of the same areas later that we did on the first goal, but it still didn’t work. A couple of good crossballs were missing, we weren’t precise enough in the attacks and our counterattacks didn’t work out as we planned either, even though our attack often worked well. If we look at the whole cup series, we can be proud of our team, but at the same time our goal was to be there in the final and the Puskás Arena shining in blue and white, unfortunately this will not happen this year either.

Author: David Rechnitzer

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