Hangya: We have prepared for our cup game with Taksony

The defender talks about the Hungarian Cup Q9 first leg game on Wednesday afternoon.

"It is always the match of their lives for a team from a lower league when coming up against a side from the NB I. I feel the same will apply to Taksony. Another point worthy of looking at is what state their pitch will be in. We have been preparing for this match in the same way we would for a game in the first division. We have been looking at videos of their games to try and be as best prepared as possible against our third division opponents. This will help us go out onto the pitch against them with all the information we have on them. We respect our opponents and will not be underestimating Taksony. However, the target for us is to bring back a comfortable lead to take into the second leg. This means we want to win and score goals on Wednesday" - commented Szilveszter Hangya.

Author: David Rechnitzer

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