Vidi beat Kisvárdá despite having men sent off

Zivzivadze scored at the end of the first half, and Dárdai doubled the lead in the 75th minute, but Mesanovic scored a consolation at the very end. Stopira got a red in the 51st minute and Fiola in extra time.

In the 4th round of the OTP Bank Liga, the 100 percent Kisvárda Master Good visited the MOL Arena Sóstó. It was our team's first home game of the new season, with around 2500 fans inside the stadium. We have hosted Kisvárda five times in our history, winning every time.

Manager Imre Szabics chose the following starting eleven: Kovácsik - Fiola, Rus, Stopira, Heister - Petryak, Makarenko, Szendrei, Dárdai - Nikolic, Zivzivadze.

The game started with Varda's corner kicks, but none of them caused any real danger, and then in the 5th minute Hej's shot from 20 meters went wide. We had to wait until the 13th minute for Vidi's first chance, Petryak found the net immediately, but referee Balázs Berke did not give the goal due to a foul. Eight minutes later Mesanovic shot from 17 metres over the bar and at the end of the first half-hour Melnyik's effort was saved by Kovácsik in the home goal. In the 34th minute, Petryak shot from 18 metres at goal after a nice attack, a Kisvárda defender cleared the danger with his head from the goal mouth. Shortly afterwards, Dárdai shot from distance, but Dombó had no trouble with the ball ending up in his arms. It looked like the teams would go into half time with the score goalless, but fortunately it was not to be. Just before the end of the half, Zivzivadze played a neat one-two with  Dardai and then fired a 16-metre left-footed shot into the bottom right corner (1-0) to give Vidi the lead at the break.

Right at the beginning of the second half, Makarenko gave a great ball to Zivzivadze, but his shot from a sharp angle was saved by Dombó. In the 51st minute our team went a man down after Stopira's foul was ruled by the referee - with the help of VAR - to be an immediate red card. Nikolic was replaced by Musliu to stabilize the defense and Kisvárda started to press, but it was more possession than creating real big chances. Navratil's shot was saved by Kovácsik in the 56th minute and Mesanovic's in the 66th.

In the 70th minute we also threatened, Petryak releasing Dardai on goal, but Dombó was well paced to come out of his goal and the ball got blocked. 5 minutes later, the visitors' goalkeeper was helpless: Zivzivadze played a ball to Petryak from his own half, who drove the ball inside the Kisvárda half, before unselfishly passing the ball to Dárdai on the other side, who fired into the goal from a few metres out (2-0).

We defended well for the rest of the game, but Kisvárda scored at the beginning of extra time, a cross from the wing was headed in by the unmarked Mesanovic into the top right corner of the goal (2-1).

In the 94th minute Fiola was sent off by Balázs Berke for a second yellow card, but the result remained the same. We got our first win of the 2021-2022 season and we are the only unbeaten team as we look forward to the next round when MTK come to Székesfehérvár.

Author: David Rechnitzer

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